Repeat Signage V5 help

Add/edit existing text file screen

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Repeat Signage digital signage software

Add/edit existing text file screen 

This screen is to add an existing text file to the list, or change it when added.  The boxes are:

Description - This appears in the main Text Manager list and is a friendly name for your text file.

Category - This allows you to choose an existing category or type in a new name.  This is so that you can group text files together if required, especially if you are dealing with dozens of text files.

Where is your text file located - The current options are:

'In a local/network file' - Select this option and use the Browse button to find your text file.

'In a file on an FTP site' - This allows you to connect to your organisations website to us text files on there, which facilities remote updating of presentations.  You have to add an FTP site first by entering the connection details such as FTP site name, user name and password.  NOTE - On the main Repeat Signage screen, there is an FTP Manager which you can use to upload your text files to your website.

This screen is part of the Text Manager system which allows easy listing and remote update of text files.