Repeat Signage V5 help

Insert Picture control

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Repeat Signage digital signage software

This screen allows you to add a new Picture control to the screen.  There are two tabs on this screen:

Add a new picture control to the sscreen

If you just want to display a picture on screen, then stay with the current 'Single entry or file' tab that you are on now.  This allows you to browse for and select a single picture on your computer.  With the Standard or above editions of this software, you can also to choose a file from a free account, an Internet website or an Internet FTP site.

If you want to set up a play list of pictures to display one after the other in a loop, then you can choose the:

Multiple play list tab

tab instead.  This will allow you set up a play list of pictures by selecting multiple files on your computer (or the Internet with the Standard or above editions) at once.  Press the F1 key on this tab for help on that screen.   Note - You can use the 'Single entry or file' option now and then re-configure your Picture control to use a play list instead later if required.

On the tab, the possible options for choosing a picture file are:

'On local or network drive'

Select this option and then you can use the Browse button to find a single picture file on your hard disk (on the C: drive, for example) or on a network drive if available. 


'Image of website page'

This allows you to take a picture of a website page and use the same way as a picture file.  This is only available in some of our controls.

See Image of website page for more information.


'Select Repeat Icon'

Use the 'Select icon wizard' button to choose out of 4000+ icons.  See Repeat Icons for more information.


'On a website'  (Standard and above editions ONLY)

The Browse button opens up a browser window to allow you to find a file on an Internet website (or on a local network Intranet site).  The file will automatically be downloaded and put in your system cache so that Repeat Signage can display it.  The next time you load this presentation, then Repeat Signage will check to see if there is a newer version of your file.  If there is then it will download the newer version to the system cache and play it.


'' is our free file hosting service which allows picture and other files to be stored for playing by Repeat Signage computers.  Having your pictures at means that if you send you presentation to a computer at another location, then the Repeat Signage software there will download and display your pictures automatically.  It also means that if you decide to update the pictures, then this makes remote updating easy.  For example, having a special offer image hosted centrally with means that if can be displayed in multiple locations, such as shop windows.  When you want to change the picture being displayed, then you just upload a new version to and all the computers update themselves.


'On an FTP site' or 'In a file on an FTP site'  (Standard and above editions ONLY)

If you don't know what an FTP site is, then click here.  You will need to add a new FTP site to your presentation first.  You will need the following information:


Select 'On an FTP site' and use the Add button to enter this information on the FTP site record page.  After you click OK, then you can use the Browse button to visit your FTP site and select a file to display.  The file will automatically be downloaded and put in your system cache so that Repeat Signage can display it.  The next time you load this presentation, then Repeat Signage will check to see if there is a newer version of your file.  If there is then it will download the newer version to the system cache and play it.

'In same folder as presentation'

This check box is only enabled if you have saved your presentation.  Ticking this box means that when you use the browse button you will just look in the same folder as the presentation.  This allows you to use relative paths (such as MyPicture.jpg) rather than absolute paths (such as c:\Pictures\MyPictures.jpg).  See Using Repeat Signage with for why you may want to use this option.