Repeat Signage V5 help

Trial or activation

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Repeat Signage digital signage software

Trial version of Repeat Signage

You may evaluation Repeat Signage for as long as you like.  The trial version displays a ghosted 'Trial version' image when playing presentations.  This message appears after playing presentations for 10 minutes.  You may use the trial version to design and edit presentations, and just purchase a licence for each machine you intend to play Repeat Signage presentations on.  You may also use the free trial version in class rooms for the purpose of teaching digital signage concepts to students.

For presentations, in the trial version, you are limited to playing them for only 10 minutes.

The new PowerPoint scheduler control will only play and schedule full screen PowerPoint presentations for the first 10 minutes.

Trial or activation tab

On this tab please select one of the following two options:

Trial Repeat Signage V5 (unlimited trial time)

This allows you to trial Repeat Signage and you can choose the edition you are interested in.  If you are not sure which edition may suit you best, then please visit:

which gives a full comparison at the bottom of the 'Introduction' tab and also the current pricing in multiple currencies.  If you are not sure at this stage, the please evaluate the Standard edition.  The evaluation version never expires (most software has a 30 day trial period).

Enter your serial number and activate Repeat Signage

If you have purchased Repeat Signage, then you can enter your serial number and activate it immediately over the Internet.  The 'Activate manually' button if for computers that do not have an Internet connection. 

IMPORTANT NOTE - You should only be activating a licence on a computer that will be playing presentations such as a computer playing information in a reception area.  If you are installing on a computer that is just for designing presentations, then you don't need a licence and can just use the trial option instead.

Licensing example - Player and designer computers

For example, you may want to have a computer displaying your presentations in a reception area.  However, the person responsible for updating the presentations may be located in an office elsewhere in your building.  You will need 1 licence for the reception computer, but the person updating the presentations in the office will only need the free trial version to update the presentation.  A computer network drive could then be used so that the office computer updates the content to be played on the network drive and then player in reception reads these content files for playing.